Sunday, November 30, 2014
The Nutcracker
Tonight, I saw the Nutcracker ballet. As I've probably said before, I am a dancer. A competitive dancer. so seeing this was so cool. It was so amazing! I could follow the story through movement, not words. Plus, all the dancers were amazing, Especially the sugar plum fairies (which happen to be my favorite). Since I am not on pointe yet, it was really cool to watch a different kind of ballet since I still do ballet. I got to see leaps and jumps and turns and flips,All while people will balancing on their tip-tip toes. I loved seeing all the little kids dance, because they were spot on (and funny!). I liked how the kids ran around the stage and jumped up and down. I also thought the special effects were cool, like the smoke and the lights. I think that this is one of the most amazing ballets ever. So the next time you ever happen to be at the Detroit Opera House, I recommend seeing the Nutcracker.
Monday, November 24, 2014
the Wall pt VIII
We took off to the meeting hall. I was shivering the whole time. I wasn't cold, I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect.
We pulled up to the spot and dropped off the bicycle. We walked in. I could hear the chit-chat of other people. Liliana Went to the ten year room, while I went to the graduate room. I took a seat next to my friends. My best friend Estiha and my other friend Alli were talking.
"Silenia, are you nervous?" Alli asked.
"Of course." I replied.
A person came up to the pedestal on front of the seats.
"Attention! We have gathered you all here for many reasons. We have gathered you to challenge you, to Help you, to care for you, but most importantly to salute you." The speaker said.
We pulled up to the spot and dropped off the bicycle. We walked in. I could hear the chit-chat of other people. Liliana Went to the ten year room, while I went to the graduate room. I took a seat next to my friends. My best friend Estiha and my other friend Alli were talking.
"Silenia, are you nervous?" Alli asked.
"Of course." I replied.
A person came up to the pedestal on front of the seats.
"Attention! We have gathered you all here for many reasons. We have gathered you to challenge you, to Help you, to care for you, but most importantly to salute you." The speaker said.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Quiz AHW
this is a personality quiz on what devic matches your personality. I just made this up so don't take it seriously (unless you want to).
1. first thing you do in the morning after you wake up is:
A. You go and brush your hair, you can't have a messy blob
B. You pack up your homework, you can't forget anything
C. You run around and play games, trying to annoy your parents
2. Your favorite school class is:
A. Art
B. Math
C. Gym
3. When you have no school you're always:
A. Texting your friends
B. Doing tomorrow's homework, and the next day’s, and the next
C. playing games with your neighbors
4. Your favorite thing to do in the winter is:
A. going to holiday parties
B. sitting by a fire and reading a book
C. going outside, it's winter, people!
5. When you're sick, you tend to:
A. keep your status up to date
B. Study for the nearest test
C. try to teach your dog how to play Tic-Tac-Toe
6. Whenever you’re typing, you always use:
A. French Script Font
B. Aharoni Font
C. Curlz MT Font
7. The worst feeling
ever to you is:
A. Feeling neglected,
I need friends
B. Feeling stupid, I
know I’m smart
C. Feeling bored, I need to do something
If you had mostly A's put an A in the comment box. If you had mostly B's put a B in a comment. If you had mostly C's put a C in a comment. I will tell you the results, or email you the results, or put the results in a comment.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Wall part VII
Okay, today is the Grouping Ceremony. The ceremony were our groups and jobs are decided.
"Girls, Wake up!" The Children Watcher called.
I heard Mrs.Anderson, the Children Watcher, call and quickly woke up Liliana, my 10 year old sister. I'm 14, so I'm in charge. I quickly pulled out her uniform dress out of her drawer. believe me, it's so annoying having a little sister to take care of.
I did Liliana's hair, got her shoes, gave her breakfast, and finally got her on the backseat of my bicycle. I was so happy she was 10. that was the year she got her own bike. Plus, I'd be leaving her. she'd still have the Watchers to help her, but NOT me.
"Girls, Wake up!" The Children Watcher called.
I heard Mrs.Anderson, the Children Watcher, call and quickly woke up Liliana, my 10 year old sister. I'm 14, so I'm in charge. I quickly pulled out her uniform dress out of her drawer. believe me, it's so annoying having a little sister to take care of.
I did Liliana's hair, got her shoes, gave her breakfast, and finally got her on the backseat of my bicycle. I was so happy she was 10. that was the year she got her own bike. Plus, I'd be leaving her. she'd still have the Watchers to help her, but NOT me.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Forensics Published Piece
I sat quietly in the classroom. It felt so big and spacious. Me and my friend, Arya waited
silently till it was our time to perform. We were third in line to perform.
This was my first forensics competition and I was so nervous. A forensics
competition works like this: you perform in a class room with other people in
your category. You have to perform for three judges in three different rounds. In
each round you go up to a table and draw for order. When you draw you get a
piece of paper with a number. That number tells you when to go. Then you go up
and perform for a judge. The judge ranks all the people in the category. then
after all the rounds are done, you go to awards and see what place you were in.
then you get the comments the judges wrote about your piece the next day.
I was in a duo (which is just one of the many categories) and I had a hilarious
piece called action news by Jonathan Rand. All the other duos were really good.
One of them was an episode of a popular T.V. show. Another was about a game of
"Hey Arya, are you nervous at all?" I quietly whispered.
"I'm really nervous, but I know we can do great." She answered.
"We’ve worked so hard so we'll do great!" I said.
"A1 duo" the judge announced.
We quietly walked down the stairs to the performing spot. The other team from our school went up before us and was super amazing. They had good movements, great blocking, they were loud. I thought we were going to do great. I wondered what would happen if a chair fell over or some big distraction started happening. But that wouldn't happen. We were going to do great, I quietly thought to myself.
“Judge ready? “Arya said.
“Timer ready?” I said.
“Wait one moment.” The judge said.
“Now go.” The judge said.
"It’s 5:59 and you’re watching WOMG action news..." Arya and I said.
Oh No, we started, I thought. But we were doing great, I thought again. I thought we were going to win. Actually, I KNEW we were going to win.
It felt like my lips knew exactly what to say without me even thinking about it. I thought I had been practicing a lot, so I knew exactly what to do, when to do it, and where to do it.
We were close to the end of our piece. We only had about two paragraphs left. We were almost done.
"Achoo!" I heard in the audience.
Our coach had told us to not get distracted. So we didn't. We kept going. We put our heads down and finished. I felt my fingers wiggle. I felt so happy. I thought we had done amazing.
About five minutes later everyone gathered in the Media Center of the school for awards. Since it was our team hosting the competition, our coach came up and talked a little about awards and placements.
"We are giving awards to places 1-3." Mrs. Basset said.
“At least I'd get a medal no matter what I because there's only three duos,” I thought to myself.
The man announcing the awards had started speaking.
"First category, poetry. In 3rd place, Charlie Anderson. In 2nd place, Kate Adams-Boone. In 1st place, Vanessa Brown!" The man said.
"Next category, Declamation...”
"Next category, DI...” The man told the crowd.
I dosed off for a while, not paying much attention. I saw a lot of different people come up for a lot of different categories. Some categories had a lot of people. Others just had one person. Finally I heard them announce duo.
"In 3rd place, Layman and Mastrangelo." The man announced.
I realized that they were calling the duos by last name.
"In 2nd place, Delewen and Greenfield."
"In 1st place, Nelson and Goel!" said the man.
I thought I miss heard. But I didn't. We won! I was screaming with joy! Arya and I were so, so happy! We never thought we would win. We ran over to our parents and hugged them.
"We won, we won!" We screamed.
“Calm down!”Our moms said.
We were super happy we won. But we learned something important; if you dream and believe big, you will reach and achieve big!
"Hey Arya, are you nervous at all?" I quietly whispered.
"I'm really nervous, but I know we can do great." She answered.
"We’ve worked so hard so we'll do great!" I said.
"A1 duo" the judge announced.
We quietly walked down the stairs to the performing spot. The other team from our school went up before us and was super amazing. They had good movements, great blocking, they were loud. I thought we were going to do great. I wondered what would happen if a chair fell over or some big distraction started happening. But that wouldn't happen. We were going to do great, I quietly thought to myself.
“Judge ready? “Arya said.
“Timer ready?” I said.
“Wait one moment.” The judge said.
“Now go.” The judge said.
"It’s 5:59 and you’re watching WOMG action news..." Arya and I said.
Oh No, we started, I thought. But we were doing great, I thought again. I thought we were going to win. Actually, I KNEW we were going to win.
It felt like my lips knew exactly what to say without me even thinking about it. I thought I had been practicing a lot, so I knew exactly what to do, when to do it, and where to do it.
We were close to the end of our piece. We only had about two paragraphs left. We were almost done.
"Achoo!" I heard in the audience.
Our coach had told us to not get distracted. So we didn't. We kept going. We put our heads down and finished. I felt my fingers wiggle. I felt so happy. I thought we had done amazing.
About five minutes later everyone gathered in the Media Center of the school for awards. Since it was our team hosting the competition, our coach came up and talked a little about awards and placements.
"We are giving awards to places 1-3." Mrs. Basset said.
“At least I'd get a medal no matter what I because there's only three duos,” I thought to myself.
The man announcing the awards had started speaking.
"First category, poetry. In 3rd place, Charlie Anderson. In 2nd place, Kate Adams-Boone. In 1st place, Vanessa Brown!" The man said.
"Next category, Declamation...”
"Next category, DI...” The man told the crowd.
I dosed off for a while, not paying much attention. I saw a lot of different people come up for a lot of different categories. Some categories had a lot of people. Others just had one person. Finally I heard them announce duo.
"In 3rd place, Layman and Mastrangelo." The man announced.
I realized that they were calling the duos by last name.
"In 2nd place, Delewen and Greenfield."
"In 1st place, Nelson and Goel!" said the man.
I thought I miss heard. But I didn't. We won! I was screaming with joy! Arya and I were so, so happy! We never thought we would win. We ran over to our parents and hugged them.
"We won, we won!" We screamed.
“Calm down!”Our moms said.
We were super happy we won. But we learned something important; if you dream and believe big, you will reach and achieve big!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
The controller
When you see something you hear something. and when you hear something you feel something.but this feeling is no ordinary feeling. this feeling makes you think of something. something big. and when you think of that big thing, it makes you think of something smaller. then that makes you something even smaller. this goes on and on until you think of such a small thing that you can't think of anything anymore. this whole process goes on in seconds. this is the story of the person that knows what goes on. SWell, not right now. 800 years in the future.
"Every Child Is Destined For Greatness" says the big news board.
me and my best friend Lainia Keely, were walking to the Meeting Sector to go to Honoree Ceremony. it happens once a year. it's were all the people of Arisna honor the children. Mostly the 15 years. Which I just happen to be. By the way, i'm Alisa Estyes.
"Every Child Is Destined For Greatness" says the big news board.
me and my best friend Lainia Keely, were walking to the Meeting Sector to go to Honoree Ceremony. it happens once a year. it's were all the people of Arisna honor the children. Mostly the 15 years. Which I just happen to be. By the way, i'm Alisa Estyes.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
it's Grandma Dot's birthday!!

It's My Dad's birthday!!
sssshhhhh!! don't tell my dad! I'm making a whole blog post about his birthday! my dad is the BEST dad in the world! he's soooooo nice and funny and cool and amazing! I love him so much! I never done anything except for making him a card for his birthday! So this year i am making a blog post to honor my dad.
My dad is so awesome! he's 47 and turning 48 tomorrow. He's done many awesome things for lots of people. he's taught lots of people to do awesome things, like he taught me to draw good! My dad is one of my biggest role models! he teaches me how to use different types of electronics,tools, supplies, and more. my wonderful dad is so fun and funny. he has the funniest corny jokes and stories. plus my dad is an awesome storyteller! my dad is an inspiration to my brother, my sister, and most of all me.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Book review & picture quiz from Mr. Lemoncello's Library

this was the best battle book I have read so far. I love the fact that it has so many challenging puzzles to solve. it's full of excitement,secrets,action,mystery, and much more. It's a comedy mixed with a mystery mixed with a fantasy and more. it's so many different things! I just wish it talked a little bit more about the character's back stories. Like for example, i wanted to know how Bridgette Wage knew all about the writers. It was such a fun book to read I wish there was a second!
put your answer to the puzzle in a comment box:)!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Goody Two Shoes (fiction story)
Everyone says Anna-Rose Selena Elizabeth McCann is a goody
two-shoes. They have many reasons to. She never misses a single day of school. She
has perfect grades. She’s never broken a rule. Yeah, she seems like that
perfect straight A’s student. But she thought in a different way. She wanted to
change all this. Anna-Rose wanted to fit in. She could change her life with the
touch of a marble.
“Hurry up, mom!" I called out.
”I’m almost ready." my mom answered.
"We’re going to be LATE!!" I screamed.
I've never been late. Ever. And I'm
in 7th grade. I didn't want to start today. I quickly pulled my purple jacket
over my ugly green, red, white, and blue school uniform. We hopped in the car
and drove off to Greenbrier Church Catholic School.
I ran straight to my locker and pulled out
my stuff. I ran as fast as I could down the hall to room 56 and there I saw my
teacher, Mrs. Elliott waiting for the rest of the class to arrive.
BBBRRRIIIINNNGGG!" the school bell rang.
I was so happy I made it on time. As the
rest of my class filed in, i saw my best friend Nini through a small piece of
paper at me.
“Hey!” I shouted at
"read it!" she whispered
"read it!" she whispered
Monday, November 3, 2014
I sat quietly in the classroom. It felt so big and spacious. Me and my friend, Arya waited
silently till it was our time to perform. We were third in line to perform.
This was my first forensics competition and I was so nervous. A forensics
competition works like this: you perform in a class room with other people in
your category. You have to perform for three judges in three different rounds. In
each round you go up to a table and draw for order. When you draw you get a
piece of paper with a number. That number tells you when to go. Then you go up
and perform for a judge. The judge ranks all the people in the category. then
after all the rounds are done, you go to awards and see what place you were in.
then you get the comments the judges wrote about your piece the next day.
I was in a duo (which is just one of the many categories) and I had a hilarious
piece called action news by Jonathan Rand. All the other duos were really good.
One of them was an episode of a popular T.V. show. Another was about a game of
"Hey Arya, are you nervous at all?" I quietly whispered.
"I'm really nervous, but I know we can do great." She answered.
"We’ve worked so hard so we'll do great!" I said.
"A1 duo" the judge announced.
We quietly walked down the stairs to the performing spot. The other team from our school went up before us and was super amazing. They had good movements, great blocking, they were loud. I thought we were going to do great. I wondered what would happen if a chair fell over or some big distraction started happening. But that wouldn't happen. We were going to do great, I quietly thought to myself.
“Judge ready? “Arya said.
“Timer ready?” I said.
“Wait one moment.” The judge said.
“Now go.” The judge said.
"It’s 5:59 and you’re watching WOMG action news..." Arya and I said.
Oh No, we started, I thought. But we were doing great, I thought again. I thought we were going to win. Actually, I KNEW we were going to win.
It felt like my lips knew exactly what to say without me even thinking about it. I thought I had been practicing a lot, so I knew exactly what to do, when to do it, and where to do it.
We were close to the end of our piece. We only had about two paragraphs left. We were almost done.
"Achoo!" I heard in the audience.
Our coach had told us to not get distracted. So we didn't. We kept going. We put our heads down and finished. I felt my fingers wiggle. I felt so happy. I thought we had done amazing.
About five minutes later everyone gathered in the Media Center of the school for awards. Since it was our team hosting the competition, our coach came up and talked a little about awards and placements.
"We are giving awards to places 1-3." Mrs. Basset said.
“At least I'd get a medal no matter what I because there's only three duos,” I thought to myself.
The man announcing the awards had started speaking.
"First category, poetry. In 3rd place, Charlie Anderson. In 2nd place, Kate Adams-Boone. In 1st place, Vanessa Brown!" The man said.
"Next category, Declamation...”
"Next category, DI...” The man told the crowd.
I dosed off for a while, not paying much attention. I saw a lot of different people come up for a lot of different categories. Some categories had a lot of people. Others just had one person. Finally I heard them announce duo.
"In 3rd place, Layman and Mastrangelo." The man announced.
I realized that they were calling the duos by last name.
"In 2nd place, Delewen and Greenfield."
"In 1st place, Nelson and Goel!" said the man.
I thought I miss heard. But I didn't. We won! I was screaming with joy! Arya and I were so, so happy! We never thought we would win. We ran over to our parents and hugged them.
"We won, we won!" We screamed.
“Calm down!”Our moms said.
We were super happy we won. But we learned something important; if you dream and believe big, you will reach and achieve big!
"Hey Arya, are you nervous at all?" I quietly whispered.
"I'm really nervous, but I know we can do great." She answered.
"We’ve worked so hard so we'll do great!" I said.
"A1 duo" the judge announced.
We quietly walked down the stairs to the performing spot. The other team from our school went up before us and was super amazing. They had good movements, great blocking, they were loud. I thought we were going to do great. I wondered what would happen if a chair fell over or some big distraction started happening. But that wouldn't happen. We were going to do great, I quietly thought to myself.
“Judge ready? “Arya said.
“Timer ready?” I said.
“Wait one moment.” The judge said.
“Now go.” The judge said.
"It’s 5:59 and you’re watching WOMG action news..." Arya and I said.
Oh No, we started, I thought. But we were doing great, I thought again. I thought we were going to win. Actually, I KNEW we were going to win.
It felt like my lips knew exactly what to say without me even thinking about it. I thought I had been practicing a lot, so I knew exactly what to do, when to do it, and where to do it.
We were close to the end of our piece. We only had about two paragraphs left. We were almost done.
"Achoo!" I heard in the audience.
Our coach had told us to not get distracted. So we didn't. We kept going. We put our heads down and finished. I felt my fingers wiggle. I felt so happy. I thought we had done amazing.
About five minutes later everyone gathered in the Media Center of the school for awards. Since it was our team hosting the competition, our coach came up and talked a little about awards and placements.
"We are giving awards to places 1-3." Mrs. Basset said.
“At least I'd get a medal no matter what I because there's only three duos,” I thought to myself.
The man announcing the awards had started speaking.
"First category, poetry. In 3rd place, Charlie Anderson. In 2nd place, Kate Adams-Boone. In 1st place, Vanessa Brown!" The man said.
"Next category, Declamation...”
"Next category, DI...” The man told the crowd.
I dosed off for a while, not paying much attention. I saw a lot of different people come up for a lot of different categories. Some categories had a lot of people. Others just had one person. Finally I heard them announce duo.
"In 3rd place, Layman and Mastrangelo." The man announced.
I realized that they were calling the duos by last name.
"In 2nd place, Delewen and Greenfield."
"In 1st place, Nelson and Goel!" said the man.
I thought I miss heard. But I didn't. We won! I was screaming with joy! Arya and I were so, so happy! We never thought we would win. We ran over to our parents and hugged them.
"We won, we won!" We screamed.
“Calm down!”Our moms said.
We were super happy we won. But we learned something important; if you dream and believe big, you will reach and achieve big!
Candy. Candy. Everywhere. All of my Halloween candy all over the floor of my living room. In Ellie's pile, there was 101 snickers. In my pile there was 50 packets of m&ms. Then my sister had 47 crunches. And in Marijke's pile there was 48 Hershey bars. Then in my friend lily's pile, 34 suckers. Then in my friend Hannah's pile we had 53 twizzlers.
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